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Margaret Sullivan
Historians: He’s a fascist. Political scientists: He’s a fascist. His own aides: He’s a fascist. The NYT: He shows a wistful longing for a bygone era of global politics.

That, in essence, is the issue with these headlines.
Breaking my rule about linking to Substack because the NYT coverage of the election has been abysmal. In a just world it would mean the end of the NYT. (It would be ok, we could get our word games somewhere else.) But maybe there are enough fascist-curious consumers and backers to keep it going. They just need one billionaire to weather any storm.
Washington Post
The United States imports a wide variety of items that cannot be produced in large enough quantities to satiate domestic demand. Basic foodstuffs such as coffee, bananas, avocados, cocoa and much more do not grow in U.S. climates. And there are no domestic replacements for wild-caught Chilean sea bass or yellowfin tuna.
Countering MAGA beliefs with logic isn't going to move any numbers, but it is good to make the rational case that Trump's economic plan would tank the economy. He's not good at business or economics. That’s a mythology that was created to sell garbage. Plus he's surrounded people who are out to prove the government doesn't work.
The letter is an effort to draw a contrast between the 59-year-old Democratic nominee and her 78-year-old Republican rival, Donald Trump, who is vying to become the oldest person ever elected to the Oval Office and has released relatively little detailed information about his own medical history.
Please remember that a vote for Trump is a vote for a potential Vance presidency and no one wants that.
Writer/researcher Erin Kissane is working to build better and safer networks for collective survival, with efforts including the COVID Tracking Project, a powerful 40,000 word analysis of Meta’s role in the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar, and current research into the culture and governance of the next wave of social networks.
When necessary government infrastructure to fight the covid pandemic was missing, internet randos came together on Twitter to build it. Amazing, heartbreaking talk here. Inspiring reminder that confronting the pain of the world is difficult and necessary.
Business Insider
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that AI is advancing so fast, and requires so much energy, that there is no way to keep up with climate goals.
"On second thought," Eric Schmidt implied, "be evil." This kind of shameless greed is going to ruin our planet.
New York Times
For those Americans who are still tempted to return him to the presidency or to not vote in November, it is worth considering the assessment of Mr. Trump by those who have seen him up close.
Quotes from people who worked closely with Trump. They don’t paint a picture of competence.
He is not a disaster waiting to happen. He is a disaster that has already happened.
An article by Admiral Steve Abbot who served as deputy Homeland Security Adviser to President George W. Bush.
Washington Post
Trump elaborated on his proposal to eliminate the Department of Education by describing what he envisioned the agency would look like: “I think you will have like one person plus a secretary. You’ll have a secretary. The secretary will have one person plus a secretary. And all the person has to do is: Are you teaching English? Are you teaching arithmetic? What are you doing? Reading, writing and arithmetic. And are you not teaching woke? Not teaching woke is a very big factor. But we’ll have a very small staff.”
Trump should not be in charge of anything, and least of all the most powerful military in the world.
It alleges that he always planned to declare victory no matter the result, and laid the groundwork for this long before election day. It also accuses him of knowingly spreading false claims about the vote that he himself deemed "crazy".
Since the Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling threw a wrench into the case, we’re suddenly getting a clearer view of what Trump did on January 6th and it’s disgusting. Informed about the danger the violent mob posed to his Vice President Mike Pence, Trump reportedly replied, “So what?”
Josh Collinsworth
Let’s not leave unspoken the irony that the guy who basically is WordPress.com, and WordPress.org, and the WordPress Foundation, wants you to think the name “WP Engine” is confusing.
Curious about the WordPress vs. WP Engine drama? This is a good rundown of the situation.
After a few tweaks, I came up with a design that was more rounded. I also printed with a more colorful color, as an ode to Braun 550 Hair Dryer and Jaro Gielen's "Soft Electronics" book.
Such a nice improvement over Braun's current offering. [insert take my money GIF]
New York Times
To create A.I. businesses, experts predicted, $1 trillion would be spent on data centers, utilities and applications. Mr. Covello thought those costs made it impossible for the industry to inexpensively solve real-world problems, which is what internet companies did decades ago.

As a member of Goldman’s working group on A.I., he reviewed a service that used generative A.I. to automatically update analysts’ spreadsheets with companies’ financial results. He said it saved his analysts about 20 minutes of time per company but cost six times as much money.
I think this is exactly it. AI is too expensive in terms of energy use and is highly subsidized by venture capital at the moment. The minute that money dries up there won't be enough of a payoff to justify the expense.
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