With these robot candidates, it should be easy to come up with a debate drinking game. (It might be the only way to make the debate interesting.)
- "prescription drugs" - 1 drink
- "social security" - 1 drink
- "mandatory" - 1 drink
- "no child behind" - 1 drink
- "lock box" - 1 drink
- "promise kept" - 1 drink
- "tax cut" - 1 drink
- "dignity" - 1 drink
- "campaign finance reform" - 1 drink
- "racial profiling" - 1 drink
- sighing and/or whining - 1 drink
- gore exaggerates - 2 drinks
- bush mispronounces - 2 drinks
- bush slams gore for exaggerating - 3 drinks
- gore slams bush for mispronouncing - 3 drinks
- gore kisses someone - 1 drink
- bush smirks - 1 drink