yeah, I know. But when you're surrounded by this much suck, you can't help but suck. Emerson said, "You become what you think about all day long." Tonight and tomorrow I'll think about all of the good things.
huh? yeah, to top it all off, my toilet backed up today and left the bathroom in 2 inches of water.
but you knew that. At my previous place of employment, we outsourced our HR to a company called Vertical Partner. They took care of payroll, health benefits, legal documents, etc. After loosing employment, I sent in the forms to get COBRA health insurance. Today, I received the letter back with a hand written note on the outside that said, "You have no COBRA rights, VP is closed. -Michael." Very professional.
but you knew that. Today my office doesn't have an Internet connection. AT&T purchased the DSL provider because they are going out of business. They decided to alienate me (along with 100,000 DSL customers) by denying us service...instead of taking our money.
- Ariwara No Narihira (translated by Kenneth Rexroth)
"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are made for."
--J.A. Shedd
Are weblogs a hot or cool medium? (there are arguments for both.)
He goes on to classify cultures as either hot or cool, and makes predictions about how temperatue clash can affect them.
I'm still having trouble with the clissifications. Shows like X-Files or ER seem to make TV a hot medium, while talk shows and "reality" TV seem to make it a cool medium. But then I'm missing the point about not focusing on content.
Anyway, great book. :)
"All the web logs should be able to work together intelligently."
-Rob ("CmdrTaco") Malda, co-creator, SlashDot.org