I saw a person on the DC Metro reading a wireless version of what appeared to be a memo. I only could make out, "...ool people don't pos...". I thinks this means "tool people don't pose", but I could be wrong.
by vanderwal on May 12th, 2001 at 8:26 am
they're evacuating the earth, because the planet will be detroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass...
thank you for the fish, douglas.
by dogfood on May 12th, 2001 at 8:36 am
It's Blogger, yo. Blogger's hungrier than ever and keeps eating everyone's posts while they do an upgrade. Somebody please send them some money. I've been able to post b/c I use Greymatter :P
Yes, I too became inadvertantly cool thanks to Blogger. Now back to my same old self. It may be time for home rolled log tool, so I don't have to worry about being confused for being cool.