I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats COULD grin. - Alice
AdCritic.com was founded in 1999 and led the advertising industry into the online world of downloadable video, building up a library of thousands of digitized ads and garnering favorable publicity among advertising fans worldwide.Is there really such a thing as advertising fans? Are there people who just flip around TV watching the ads? Damn, it's all programs, where are the ads? I think much of what people enjoyed about the site was the critical side that its name implies. If this press release is any indication, the future of the newly marginalized Adcritic.com does not look bright.
EFF Action: Submit Comments Opposing Technology Mandates
This gallery has sound! Whenever you see that audio icon next to the gallery title there is a .wav file that I recorded when I took the picture. Click the icon to hear it. Four images in the gallery have sound. You've never heard running water, bells, and wind noise like this.
Got to hang out with my friend Erik the other day. Here's a pic with his son, Jack.
Tomorrow morning I'm off to Austin. See ya tomorrow night, Erik! Oh, and there's something called South by Southwest going on. I'll see you there. (If you take notes at the conference, think about sharing them.)
Just found out on Erik's weblog that they shut down Waterloo Brewing Company. boo!
[image from NASA]
It makes me wish theatres would play shorts before the main feature. There are some great things being done under 90 minutes.
I also put up a new snapGallery of photos from a walk yesterday.
This picture cracks me up. It looks like the bird on the left is going to say something to the bird on the right.