Just thinking out loud about RSS Aggregators... If every RSS client was also a server, we could have a distributed solution to the brute-force problem. I'd gladly serve up others' feeds if it meant less drain on my server. For example, let's say I subscribe to the NYT Business feed. My RSS client needs a local copy to display the feed. In a perfect world I could also give my copy to others on demand. When someone requests my onfocus feed, they could send a list of other feeds they're interested in. If they're also interested in the NYT Business feed and I have a copy that's newer than theirs, I could send that RSS along with my onfocus RSS. You wouldn't always get the authoratative copy, but you could get close without too many hops; similar to DNS. Some feeds really do update every 10 minutes, and you'd need to grab those directly. But for most weblog RSS feeds, a P2P ripple effect like this would probably be fine.