Link Roundup: Random
pffft. pffft. Is this thing on? 1, 2, 3, test.
This has been a not-too-organized link dump. Until next time, as you were.
- NYT Slideshow: What's Your Sign?, a look at the new highway sign font ClearviewHwy.
- 5 Regular Expressions Every Web Programmer Should Know.
- Birthdays Without Pressure is a site by parents who want to downsize birthday parties. It's nice to see like-minded parents using the web to organize against their children. I mean someone has to stand up to big children, they're a powerful lobby.
- pastebin is a site for sharing/debugging code with a group.
- Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped fame is working on a Google Office Hacks book for O'Reilly.
- Desktoptopia is a cool little Mac application that sets a desktop background from their pool of images. You can rate or block any background you don't like. It's been buggy for me (crashing on start), and I wish the collaborative filtering was a bit more transparent (a la public ratings), but this is a great start on a fun idea.
- Wikipedia image: Broadway tower. Love this photo.
- Daddy Types - the weblog for new dads.
- Geekdad - Lego projects and occasionally other stuff. part of Wired blogs.
- Nested - hip kid products + commentary.
- Nesting - more hip kid products + design commentary.
- yokiddo - even more hip kid products (with little commentary), by David Galbraith.
- Parent Hacks - shared parenting tips.
This has been a not-too-organized link dump. Until next time, as you were.