"Nothing focuses the mind of the reporter like being asked to specify what exactly they’d like to see done, and it’s much easier for a developer to scan a list with actual tasks right in the sentence construction." Good advice for personal to-do lists too.
Nice Inconsolata mod that straightens out the quotes. I use Inconsolata as my programming font, haven't noticed a quote problem, but I'll give this a shot.
"I think that it’s a real possibility that in 10 years, general purpose computers will be seen as being strictly for developers and hobbyists." Rafe has an important analysis of the iPad announcement. We're headed toward closed platforms.
He used the Processing environment to calculate the number of track layouts possible with a simple train set from Ikea. I'll have to try these! [via Daddy Types]
The new iPhone OS will have an interface for physical peripherals. "A rapid prototyping platform for physical/digital interactions? A mobile sensor platform for personal and urban informatics that's going mainstream?" I missed this new feature in all the cut+paste celebration.
One computer scans incoming calls for the Caller ID number and then broadcasts the number over the network to various devices. Looks like something fun to hack around with.