"Admit it. You stereotype people by their email addresses." How Hunch user demographics break down by email domain. [via swissmiss]
"I've argued that the ultimate endpoint for Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the pay-per-swing hammer." MetaFilter member adipocere takes DRM to its logical end.
"A single meta tag to control prefetching reduced our DNS queries by 350 million per month." Wow, if you use subdomains extensively this is something to watch out for.
Paul Bausch
"I figured I'd chime in with my own experiences as a woman, except I want to try and reconstruct as best I can exactly how this instinctual fear evolved for me and what it really means in practice..." Chilling comments that made me see the world in a different way.
"[Fighting takedown notices] increase the 'cost' of sending cease-and-desists, as they make potential claimants consider the publicity risks being made to look foolish, bullying, or worse." These stories are great, but rare.
"...there is one asset that is still quite significant and the value of it is growing, not shrinking. It is their large, well trained, and well connected salesforces." A nice contrast to Clary Shirky's recent article
Rescuing The Reporters. [via
Hey, these HTML 5 attributes actually work on the iPhone! I set this up on the forms at Fuelly Mobile.
"I think you’re safer dealing with people who can improve your site holistically." Rafe responds to Derek's SEO rant.
Paul Bausch
It's a good time to revisit this Lakoff article on framing taxes. Basically, taxes are an investment, our fair share, patriotic, and our dues for enjoying our high standard of living.
You deserve this!
This is spectacular. They're suggesting high speed rail between Eugene and the Canadian border.
Paul Bausch
"Joe Raiola, Senior Editor of MAD Magazine will present his one man show, The Joy of Censorship." Sounds fun. At the Corvallis library April 4th, 7pm.
A recording of The Decemberists in Austin. [via
This little plug computer that runs Linux looks like it'd be fun to play with.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
A list of "Best City" lists that include Corvallis. [via
"That's the lesson. You spit in Congress's face, and they'll give you what you want." [via
"This is going to sound a little weird at first considering what I do for a living, but I want you to stop using FTP." Agreed! [via
"This, no less than the defiling of the Constitution, is the legacy of an administration that not merely rationalized the immorality of torture but shackled our national security to the absurdity that torture could easily fix the terrorist threat."
Paul Bausch
This is a lot easier than whatever I've been doing.
"Differences between Republican and Democrats exist...but those differences are often dwarfed by the differences between those entrenched in and dependent upon the Washington Establishment and...American citizens -- who are not." [via
"The U.S. Senate this afternoon passed the FISA Amendments Act...granting retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that participated in the president's illegal domestic wiretapping program." Discouraging.
This is going to change my life.
Paul Bausch
"Media reporting about other media's approach to producing media is pretty confusing business to begin with. Feelings...will be bruised. But that does not fully explain the scorched earth between Fox News and those who cover it." [via
The Prius will go solar? [via
"While mindful of free speech and other rights, Yahoo and other companies say they must craft and enforce guidelines that go beyond legal requirements to protect their brands and foster safe, enjoyable communities -- ones where minors may be roaming."
Paul Bausch
the history of the "amen break", its impact on culture, and some thoughts about copyright in the sampling age.
filed under: art, copyright, history, law, video, music
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
a quick, straightforward explanation of data portability and why companies like Google should support it. [via battelle]
filed under: amazon, google, internet, privacy
Flickr applies for a patent on "interestingness" as a way of determining which media objects are getting the most attention from users. [via kottke]
filed under: flickr, future, law, tagging
Paul Bausch
John Battelle has a great idea about storing data in info-privacy friendly countries. But I'd go a step further and say that big data stores should also store data in an encrypted format, so only someone with a key can make the data useful.
filed under: privacy, law
put in some text, and see if this script can guess the author's gender based on word usage. (I was looking for a Perl module that does this, but no luck.)
filed under: language, writing, psychology, gender
Paul Bausch
Showing 13 through 24 of 25 posts tagged law.