
  • a quick, straightforward explanation of data portability and why companies like Google should support it. [via battelle]
    filed under: amazon, google, internet, privacy
  • Flickr applies for a patent on "interestingness" as a way of determining which media objects are getting the most attention from users. [via kottke]
    filed under: flickr, future, law, tagging
  • John Battelle has a great idea about storing data in info-privacy friendly countries. But I'd go a step further and say that big data stores should also store data in an encrypted format, so only someone with a key can make the data useful.
    filed under: privacy, law
  • put in some text, and see if this script can guess the author's gender based on word usage. (I was looking for a Perl module that does this, but no luck.)
    filed under: language, writing, psychology, gender
  • Easy-to-install version of GPG for Mac folk.
    filed under: privacy, software
  • I just tried Enigmail again after a couple years, and it actually works well. This plugin handles encrypting/decrypting email on the fly. (If you have GnuPG installed.)
    filed under: email, privacy, software
  • "Marine scientists say archaeological remains discovered 36 metres (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India could be over 9,000 years old." [via sterling]
    filed under: history, science
  • rael and michael's startup has a blog now.
    filed under: startup, weblogs, oregon
  • a story about the dark side of ubiquitous computing by Bruce Sterling. "If 'religion is the opiate of the people', then immersive multiplayer 3D virtual worlds are hard-core Afghani heroin."
    filed under: future, google, privacy, writing
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