"If I had to give you a single piece of managerial advice, I would say: 'Your job with your nerd is to bring calm to their chaos'." The author of Being Geek on managing software geeks.
Kellogg's: not the best source for parenting advice.
A nice alternative to a standard AJAX poller that takes network latency and server errors into account.
Paul Bausch
Matt has a great summary of South by Southwest Interactive 2010.
Google Tech Talk by Amy Jo Kim about "Applying Game Mechanics to Functional Software".
Jesse Schell talks about Facebook games, moving beyond them, and the scary future of achievements unlocked in real life.
Paul Bausch
"It turns out that milder sanctions can be swifter and more certain." Interesting article in the Economist about alternate strategies for curbing crime.
A TextMate plugin that provides a better "find within project" feature. Nice!
Paul Bausch
Some samples of single-pane comics by H.T. Webster. Sadly, his collections appear to be out of print and there aren't any at nearby libraries.
Scan of the 1955 book with wonderful caricatures by Ronald Searle. [via
"So, this is why I say white supremacy is the only functional form of racism; the only kind that actually works."
"’re just making a fool of yourself when you go around telling users of singular they that they’re wrong, because they’re not."
It's going to be that time of year again soon. These Thule chains look nice, but I'd rather see real people putting on chains in freezing weather in the demo, not spinning/floating CG.
Eight rules for writing a short story. [via
"The fundamental problems with the American health care system are all linked, directly or indirectly, to the fact that the vast majority of folks get insurance solely through their employers." Amen, and go Wyden! [via
"The problem is Twitter isn’t really open. For Twitter to be truly open, it would have to be possible to use “Twitter” without an any way involving Twitter the institution. Instead, all data goes through Twitter’s centralized service." I'm not a fan of people pushing content to Twitter like it's an RSS reader for social reasons as well, but that's probably just me.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"Once Mischel began analyzing the results, he noticed that low delayers, the children who rang the bell quickly, seemed more likely to have behavioral problems, both in school and at home." [via
"What to do when all else has failed to change your kid's behavior." [via
Paul Bausch
A new study finds that fitness/obesity, sadness/happiness might be some "contagious" states that pass from person to person like a virus. The study suggests that we clue into subconscious behaviors of people around us and modify our behavior to "normal" accordingly. [via
Rebecca Blood]
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"On July 14th, 1999, a programmer named Matthew Haughey made the first post on a blog he'd set up for himself and a few friends in an attempt to collect interesting links." Nice profile of MetaFilter! [via
Nice collection of icons for web applications. Click
Preview to see them all. [via
It'd be interesting to see how much performance you'd gain moving to HTML 5. Maybe I'll try it with one of my personal sites. [via
"Is there a formula--some mix of love, work, and psychological adaptation--for a good life?" [via
Paul Bausch
Showing 61 through 72 of 93 posts tagged psychology.