
  • "Once Mischel began analyzing the results, he noticed that low delayers, the children who rang the bell quickly, seemed more likely to have behavioral problems, both in school and at home." [via MeFi]
  • "What to do when all else has failed to change your kid's behavior." [via kottke]
  • A new study finds that fitness/obesity, sadness/happiness might be some "contagious" states that pass from person to person like a virus. The study suggests that we clue into subconscious behaviors of people around us and modify our behavior to "normal" accordingly. [via Rebecca Blood]
  • Oliver Sacks on Migraine Auras: "I was playing in the garden when a brilliant, shimmering light appeared to my left -- dazzlingly bright, almost as bright as the sun. It expanded, becoming an enormous shimmering semicircle stretching from the ground to the sky, with sharp zigzagging borders and brilliant blue and orange colors." I've had these and it's always amazing to read that others have experienced the same thing. [via Ironic Sans]
  • Helpful step-by-step guide to fixing deadlock problems in SQL Server 2005.
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