
Productivity Train

Two aesthetics that aestheticize well together: YouTube train cams and lofi hip hop. For example, throw on the Bergen Line:

And this Spotify playlist:

Leave the volume up on both. You won't know if those muffled clicks and light mumbling are part of the song or happening between Bergen and Oslo.
YouTube YouTube
image from YouTube
Take 25 minutes to watch this. He makes a fantastic, succinct argument for regulating social media to stop the reach of hate speech.
Visit the ghost of Christmas past.
image from
YouTube is ending its video annotations feature and Andy has rounded up a collection of some of the most innovative uses. It's a great reminder that people are endlessly inventive with any tools they have available to them. Even though most annotations are an annoying distraction, people did interesting things with them and we lose some of our history when companies remove content. Check them out within the next couple weeks—then they'll be gone.

What dark magic is this? Manual for iOS 10 just added the ability to shoot RAW photos.
  • I'm really enjoying the discussion of audience clapping that this old Harry Connick Jr. video spawned at MetaFilter. (HCJ somehow adds a beat around :38 so the audience is clapping on 2 & 4 instead of 1 & 3.)
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