Posts from March 2000
argh. must focus. (I think somebody has a case of the fridays.)
Paul Bausch
on second thought, this is a much better picture:
Paul Bausch
Since it's all about
him today, here's a picture. And oh, happy day! :) (you may need to crank up the contrast on your monitor to see this one. it's dark.)
Paul Bausch
my contribution to the sxsw memories:
sxsw2k+chinese proverbs. (I only put up sxsw interactive photos. I'm still working on the music.) And thanks to
this page.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
brig:"i want to be on pb's photo mailing list." (3/28) Hey, that's a great idea. :)
Paul Bausch
testing. ahem.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
meg: I've got a crush on the
crush-proof box!
Paul Bausch
What a beautiful day! skp and I went for a mini hike at the coast and I took a
few pictures with my digital camera.
Paul Bausch
some days, like today, poems exist and the words wrap themselves around you. a word embrace. every poem by prévert is the example of love I'm trying to follow. and I would write more.
Paul Bausch
In the eternal
Light of the spring day
The flowers fall away
Like the unquiet heart.
- Ki No Tomonori
(translated by Kenneth
Rexroth in One Hundred Poems from the Japanese.)
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
UPDATE: now the
South by Southwest Press page says "onfocus.
org". Getting closer! :)
Paul Bausch
meg, I thought you were hiring someone to type in code for me. I can see it now: "ok, assistant, take this down:
if - Len - parentheses - strVariable - close parentheses is greater than zero curly bracket, are you getting this?
do while not, type faster!
intThis is greater than intThat" oh, my productivity is going to skyrocket.
Paul Bausch
blurry papas fritas @ waterloo brewing co, Austin
Paul Bausch
I'm listening to
Papas Fritas,
Buildings and Grounds this morning. It's highly addictive. The weird part is, some of it reminds me of the stuff
Syd Barret put out in the early 70's. call it
insanity pop. then imagine
Human League meets
Possum Dixom with a postmodern grunge
Partridge Family sensibility. If you're in the Bay Area, they're playing at Bottom of the Hill in SF on Saturday. If you don't need any new vices, don't go.
Paul Bausch
At the sxsw
press coverage page, under PHOTOS FROM PERSONAL WEBSITES, there are links to my photos here. But they're labeled I'm not sure how they got "" out of "", but hey, links to me! [thanks for pointing this out,
Elan. (or is that pb? I'm confused.)]
Paul Bausch
I can't believe
soul coughing broke up. This is a sad, sad day. I can't even think of a witty lyric to quote. Go buy all of their CDs and cry yourself to sleep tonight.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Speaking of Tzara,
this book looks dandy.
Paul Bausch
"The acts of life have neither beginning nor end." - Tristan Tzara
Paul Bausch
the second secret word for today is: sinus infection. ugh.
Paul Bausch
A strange part of Austin that I noticed on this trip is the number of
places you can get a tattoo. There was even this place that had a loudspeaker blaring constantly like a carnival barker: "Tattoos! Fun! Get a tattoo! Tell them where you've been with a tattoo!" I wonder how effective this type of marketing is. (Come to think of it, maybe they're targeting carnival barkers.) It seems like there would be city ordinances against constant loudspeakers blaring...but then, Austin is so tattoo friendly. I almost decided to get one, but I realized I already had a zen tattoo: it doesn't really exist, but I can't get rid of it.
Paul Bausch
the secret word for today is: optimize.
Paul Bausch

happy spring, everyone!
Paul Bausch
Saturday night was filled with great music. Andy Stochansky, Tina (w/o the B-Side Movement), and Papas Fritas. I've had a great time but I'm really excited about going home tomorrow. Blogger needs more attention that I've been able to provide here on the road...and I have lots of information and ideas to digest. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed.
Paul Bausch
Gomez was the best show I've seen so far. I was trying to figure out what made them so good...and after about a dozen margaritas, I was regaling Meg and Matt with my theories. But this morning I forget. Must. Get. Coffee.
Paul Bausch
sxsw pictures:
day...umm, 8? wow, I need to go home.
Paul Bausch
Last night was teen angst night at SXSW. At least, that's what it felt like. Everywhere we went we heard distorted guitars and screaming kids. Nothing subtle. Nothing inventive. Quite depressing. We ended up hearing the
Jayhawks at the end of the night. Their vocal harmonies were impressive.
Roger McGuinn joined them for one song, too, which was a nice surprise. He came out with his trademark
rickenbacker guitar and sang a tune. It wasn't one of my favorite psychedelic byrds songs like I was hoping -- but still great. Tonight I'm hoping to see
Gomez at La Zona Rosa. solid.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
The Brave Combo street jam reminded me how portable music is. And that you don't need the lights, amps, monitors, or even electricity to create something energetic and beautiful. Just voices. Maybe some instruments. Music seems to be everywhere here...even in the cracks of the sidewalks when record executives aren't looking.
Paul Bausch
I heard
Brave Combo tear it up at the Iron Cactus last night. When the Iron Cactus folks shut the sound off before the band was done, they took it outside. It was an unamplified old school sidewalk street polka jam. And it was fun. Until the cops told them to stop. When will society stop trying to silence alternative polka? Roll out the barrel, baby.
Paul Bausch
It seems like we had enough t-shirts to go around after the weblog panel. There's still a box that has been misplaced by fedex floating out in the world. If you see them on the black market, you'll know where they came from. A lot of people have been asking me where they can get one. Well, we've given away all that we have right now. But I'm sure we'll print more soon. They went over very well. (Thanks,
Derek, for the killer design.)
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Here's a tip: ALWAYS label *all* of your fedex packages individually -- even if they're in a group. Especially if they are T-Shirts that people want. Or they may get lost. ugh.
Paul Bausch
I just want to be the first to post that
meg had a conversation with
Janeane Garofalo while out on the town tonight. Austin is fun for star spotting during sxsw.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
The user-
centered (not centric) design panel was interesting. I now have many ideas on ways to improve some of our processes at Pyra. And some general ideas for features. But I was generally impressed with our current process. (which is heavily influenced by
The Inmates are Running the Asylum.) They talked about creative treatments/scenerios...while we use personas to generate these. Ok, enough shop talk. On to the
shady grove for some serious slacking.
Paul Bausch
I wore my Blogger T-Shirt to the conference today. Random people walked up and asked about
Blogger. [gratuitous link.] It was fun. :) Us usually anonymous behind-the-scenes programmers like a little glory once in a while too. It sounds like people are generally enthusiastic about it...which is nice. But I'm waiting for the backlash. ahh, dreaded backlash. So as a preemptive strike, we should start making fun of ourselves. oh wait, I bet
Neale has already done that. ;)
Paul Bausch
Note to self: purchase DAT recorder. someday.
Paul Bausch
I see that
ev made it to phoenix for pc forum. He's showing up in
Dan Bricklin's pictures, anyway. I wish he had a DAT recorder with him so I could hear all of the great conversations he's going to have. ;)
Paul Bausch
I wish Cron Daemon was attending this conference. She sends me a nice email every day. It would be great to meet IRL.
Paul Bausch
matt is posting some pictures from sxsw too.
Paul Bausch
early to bed and early to rise reduces the fatigue associated with hangovers. or so they say.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch i am in a tex-mex restarant posting to my weblog with a palm
vii. i just finished attending a panel about online journaling. they
made distinctions between weblogs and journals...but i still can't see
much of a difference. i just ordered a margarita on the rocks. (with
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
more tomorrow. including the sxsw web awards. must sleep now.
Paul Bausch

at the deepleap party
Paul Bausch
The other day at
meg and I were giddy about the new Blogger T-Shirts.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
After a virtual all-nighter working on the new Blogger...I'm a bit exhausted. But hello from Texas!
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
In a few hours I'll be on a plane to Texas. If you're attending SXSW, I hope to see you there. It's going to be fun.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"end of the land sadness. end of the world gladness. all your san franciscos will have to fall eventually and burn again."
-jack kerouac
Paul Bausch
oooh, I just found some groovy photos at
Paul Bausch
and the giggles. collective giggles. hehe.
Paul Bausch
we've been breaking out into song in the office a lot. I'm afraid delirium has set in. work may no longer be possible.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
new phrase (by
meg): wygiwyg. (pronounced "wiggy-wig") what you get is what you get.
Paul Bausch
And don't get me started on
prop. 22. (map via
matt.) being liberal is so frustrating sometimes.
Paul Bausch
Yesterday's elections were a great victory for middle-aged white men. (oh wait, that was the only choice.)
Paul Bausch
how can something be too real?
Paul Bausch
it turns out "super tuesday" is a misnomer.
Paul Bausch
geez, you miss a guy's weblog one day and he gives you the business! ;) Sorry, Erik, but if you've been keeping up with
evhead, then you know things are happening all at once around
Pyra HQ. I haven't had as much time for blog consumption. But, yes, I remember that class now. Thanks. :) I can't wait to reminisce about those days in a few days. Austin or bust!
Paul Bausch
Mike sent me a link to this
page about the rule of thirds. Now it's starting to ring a bell. I think I learned about this in my videography classes in college.
Paul Bausch
zooming van cracks me up. And it will save so many clicks and drags! Thanks,
Paul Bausch
I'm going to try to listen more.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
I'm not sure what the
rule of thirds is, but apparently I follow it when I frame up my photos. Thanks,
Digital Swirlee for letting me know! (on 3.4.00.) :)
Paul Bausch
new word: blogover - a weblog redesign. (done by someone other than the author or with outside consultation.)
Paul Bausch
new phrase: gadget panic - That sinking feeling you get about 2 minutes after leaving the house that you forgot one of your essential electronic devices. (ie. cell phone, pager, palm pilot, digital camera, etc.) Symptoms include frantically feeling your pockets and/or digging through your backpack, briefcase, or bag to make sure they're there.
Paul Bausch
I predict you will overhear this line several times at sxsw: you don't look anything like your blog!
Paul Bausch
Yeah they were dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'.
Paul Bausch
today's secret word is: sangria. shh...
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
today's fun fact: it helps if you breathe.
Paul Bausch
It's hailing today in Sebastopol. I take back the no-lion comment!
Paul Bausch
you know what they say about March: in like a lamb out like a lion. today was a beautiful sunny lamb day. here in ca, they're pretty much all lamb days all the time. you can't really call rain a lion. it's more of a goat or ram. or perhaps a mid-size feline like a lynx or bobcat. it's no lion, though. and i'm not complaining. ;)
Paul Bausch
I just got some photos back from the lab. I'll be posting them here as soon as get my network thingy back from the office and find some time to scan them in.
Paul Bausch
This is so cute.
Emily's first blog. ;)
Paul Bausch
Why I'm Joining a Startup: "There's something about being here in Silicon Valley, listening to these idealistic and hopeful entrepreneurs talk, that gets to you. You think you're happy with your writing career, and then you meet a teenager who has never had it drummed into him that he has to be a doctor or lawyer or even a computer scientist to be successful, who has never been told he can't do his own thing, who just goes and makes something cool."
[via scripting]
Paul Bausch