
  • welcome, Ollie!
    filed under: life
  • Good start at an iPhone-friendly interface for Flickr. Needs links to larger photos, though.
    filed under: flickr, iphone, photography, mobile
  • Access your Mac desktop remotely with your iPhone. wow!
    filed under: mac, mobile, software, iphone
  • Open source Office suite for Macs.
    filed under: mac, software
  • For the "podcast someday" list of tools: this will automatically Record Skype Calls On Your Mac
    filed under: mac, podcasts, software
  • Firefox Add-on lets you click and drag any form field to resize. (Unfortunately, it doesn't remember your field size preference.)
    filed under: firefox
  • Open source remote desktop client for Windows RDC on Mac OS X. Handy if you need to manage Windows servers from Mac. I hear it's more stable than the official Microsoft RDC client for Macs.
    filed under: programming, mac, software
  • If you do any ColdFusion development (shut up!), you should check out this CF Textmate add-on. With this + Transmit, I prefer TextMate to HomeSite now for writing CF.
    filed under: programming, software
  • hooray! Click this link to set a cookie (with cookie technology) to disable those annoying Snap site previews that are popping up everywhere. [thanks torrez]
    filed under: marketing, internet
  • A simple keyboard remapper for Windows that uses the registry. I think this'll be handy for some issues running XP with parallels. [via Nelson]
    filed under: productivity, software
  • Remap your Home and End keys on a Mac so they operate on the current line rather than the current document. This has been bugging me forever!
    filed under: mac, software, hacks
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