
  • Cleans up your Mac desktop (or any folder) based on rules you write. Handy! [via 43 Folders]
    filed under: mac, productivity, software
  • Great tips for managing URLs/Redirection with Apache's cryptic but powerful htaccess. [via mathowie]
    filed under: software, security
  • Six Apart's social blogging platform Vox has been released to the public today. Its combination of public and private spaces based on friend networks makes it sorta like LiveJournal for the rest of us.
    filed under: weblogs, software
  • Easy-to-install version of GPG for Mac folk.
    filed under: privacy, software
  • I just tried Enigmail again after a couple years, and it actually works well. This plugin handles encrypting/decrypting email on the fly. (If you have GnuPG installed.)
    filed under: email, privacy, software
  • "Marine scientists say archaeological remains discovered 36 metres (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India could be over 9,000 years old." [via sterling]
    filed under: history, science
  • rael and michael's startup has a blog now.
    filed under: startup, weblogs, oregon
  • Mobile photography software from Yahoo. The auto-tagging is clumsy, but the tag-suggestion based on location looks nice.
    filed under: flickr, geo, software, tagging, webservices, yahoo
  • Types of players in old-school MUDs--translates well to web application users.
    filed under: games, internet, design, marketing
  • Project Gutenberg: "This volume is a narrative of Scott's Last Expedition from its departure from England in 1910 to its return to New Zealand in 1913."
    filed under: books
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